
Fate of the Elder Gods - the boardgame of Lovecraftian cults

Created by GreaterThanGames

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Membership Has Its Privileges
over 7 years ago – Sun, Aug 14, 2016 at 10:05:55 AM

Greetings Lovecraft lovers!

We’re dropping in today to let you all in on a little secret: You’re getting some more special goodies. Every backer who pledges at the Cultist level and above will receive the special pack of promotional Cult cards that grant even more powers from your Ancient One!

These cards can be optionally added to any game. There is a Cult card for every god in the base game, as well as Cult cards for Azathoth and any of the gods that are unlocked through stretch goals. There are even a couple of unaligned Cult cards for even more variety! This promotional pack will not be available in retail and is a little something special to say thanks for supporting the Kickstarter.

The card designs are still a work in progress. The Cult of the Yellow Sign card shows that each Cult will eventually have their own symbol, and we may add some flavor before they are sent out for production.

In addition to the Cult cards announcement, we also want to share the gameplay video that was shot at Gen Con! This video shows Richard, Darrell, and myself (Chris) going at it with Cthulhu, Tsothaggua, and Nyarlathotep. It’s about 30 minutes long and will show you all sorts of sneaky strategies possible in the game.

That’s it for today, but we’ll be back tomorrow to show you all something else that’s really super cool. You might say it’s downright… beastly.

The Fungi From Yuggoth
over 7 years ago – Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 12:07:37 PM

Greetings Lovecraft lovers!

It’s been another good weekend, and we’re nearly halfway to the next stretch goal - Ghatanothoa!

We thought today might be a good time to talk about how Monsters work with the Mi-Go as an example. Then we’ll show how Ghatanotha’s Mi-Go act a bit differently with his Dark Gift.

When a Monster is summoned through a Spell, the controlling Cult takes the Monster card and adds the required activation tokens along the top (except for Shoggoth who just works autonomously without tokens). Whenever the Cult wishes the Monster to take an action, they remove a token. Once all tokens are removed, the Monster will return from whence it came at the end of the controlling Cult’s turn.

As you can see in the example above, Mi-Go can be activated up to three times, and, while it is at a Location it aids that Cult in maintaining control there. Since Mi-Go are also always tinkering with strange and unknown technology, they also tend to leave behind strange and mysterious Artifacts. Savvy Cults can use the Mi-Go to drop an Artifact at a Location, then Ready a Spell there on the same turn to gain a Spell and an Artifact!

Ghatanothoa’s Mi-Go act a bit differently. When the Fungi from Yuggoth Dark Gift is activated, the Cult sacrifices a Cultist from their Lodge to place a Mi-Go in any Location. Like ordinary Mi-Go, while the Mi-Go is at that Location, it counts as 2 Cultists for purposes of Control, and CAN be sacrificed (counting as one Cultist for sacrifice). In addition, while a Mi-Go is at a Location, whenever an opposing Cultist enters that Location you roll a die; on a result of Cthulhu, Destroy that Cultist. As you can see Ghatanothoa’s Mi-Go are a bit more robust and can strike a bit of fear into the hearts of opposing Cults! Just as a note, Ghatanothoa may have no more than one Mi-Go at a Location, and no more than four in play at any one time.

That about wraps it up for today, but before we leave for Gen Con, there have been a few asking about the three stories that will appear in the Forbidden Lore deluxe art book. Because so many of you seem to like puzzles, we’ll just leave the titles of them here for you to figure out. We doubt it will take you long!

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ta eth snaintuom fo amndess
eth wadosh ervo nnuhtosmi

We hope to see many of you at Gen Con! Until next time, keep spreading the word, and happy gaming!

Gen Con Looms!
over 7 years ago – Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 10:35:24 AM

Greetings Lovecraft lovers!

More specifically, greetings from Gen Con! We’re working hard here to get things set up for the big show, which starts tomorrow. But we wanted to take a small break and show you some of the behind-the-scenes here.

First off, each person that demos Fate of the Elder Gods at Gen Con will get a special promo card that will mention the game on Kickstarter and that they can use in future games. Now, don’t worry, all Kickstarter backers will also get the card, so if you can’t make it out to Gen Con, the Ghoul will be included as part of your game pledge! The Ghoul will also not be included as part of the retail game, so it's a special Monster for backers and convention goers.

This is what the Ghoul card looks like, and what they do. The cards we are giving out here have a small bumper at the bottom that promotes the game. This is what the final version will look like for all backers. As of right now, the Ghouls will not have a mini in the game (it’s not really needed - they’re just assumed to be lurking around the Museum, looking for shiny things to nab). But if we get high enough funding, who knows?

As for the booth here at Gen Con, here’s a shot of our dedicated demo table for Fate of the Elder Gods. Everything is printed right on top of a tall pub table so we can easily gather people around and show them the game. We will also have longer demos in our event room 145, including some scheduled events to play the game with Richard, Darrell, and Chris.

We’re also decking out the booth with lots of awesome signage. We have a great spot along one of the large, main aisles at the show, so there’s no way anyone walking by isn’t going to see or remember Fate.

That’s it for today’s update. We’ll be back soon with some actions shots from the show! And when we pass that next stretch goal we’ll unveil what more lies from the Beasts from Beyond…